Download Racket 7.8

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Racket is a development language with which other development languages ​​can be developed. In addition, you can simply develop in Racket itself. It was previously known as the PLT Scheme and comes from the Lisp-Scheme family. For the background we refer to the manifesto, written under the direction of Matthias Felleisen. The developers have released version 7.8 of Racket, with the following announcement:

Release Announcement for Version 7.8:

  • Racket CS may become the default Racket implementation in the next release. With the improvements in this release, Racket CS provides all of the functionality of Racket BC (the current default implementation). If, between this release and the next, no bugs are discovered in Racket CS that are more serious than those typically discovered in Racket BC, then Racket CS will become the default for the next release.
  • Racket CS supports AArch32 and AArch64, including places and futures. The implementation should be considered experimental in this initial release.
  • Racket CS supports an “incremental” garbage-collection mode that can eliminate long GC pauses for some applications, such as animations and interactive games.
  • Racket CS unboxes local floating-point arithmetic (like Racket BC).
  • DrRacket’s spell check features lower overhead and has fewer bugs.
  • Web Server performance under high concurrency is better by up to an order of magnitude. The Web Server is also more resistant to clients attempting to use unconstrained resources.
  • The math library includes the Kronecker product.
  • Windows supports finer granularity for sleep when sleeping for short periods of time, improving performance in animation.
  • The new prop:struct-field-info property provides static information about field names.
  • Debugging context in Racket CS is limited to 64,000 frames (approximately the same as Racket BC). This reduces the time taken to handle out-of-memory failures.
  • In plot, the legend font and the plot font can be controlled independently, and error-bars have an #:invert? option.
  • The plot and math libraries have new maintainers: Alex Harsányi for plot and Pavel Pancheka and Jens Axel Søgaard for math.

Version number 7.8
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
Website Racket
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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