Download Racket 7.2

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Racket is a development language with which other development languages ​​can be developed. In addition, you can simply develop in Racket itself. It was previously known as the PLT Scheme and comes from the Lisp-Scheme family. For the background we refer to the manifesto, written under the direction of Matthias Felleisen. The developers have released version 7.2 of Racket, with the following announcement:

Racket v7.2

Racket-on-Chez is done in a useful sense, but we’ll wait until it gets better before making it the default Racket implementation. For more information, see

In addition, the Racket 7.2 release includes the following improvements, which apply to both implementations:

  • The contract system supports collapsible contracts, which avoid repeated wrappers in certain pathological situations. Thanks to Daniel Feltey.
  • Quickscript, a scripting tool for DrRacket, has become part of the standard distribution. Thanks to Laurent Orseau.
  • The web server’s built-in configuration for serving static files recognizes the “.mjs” extension for JavaScript modules.
  • The `data/enumerate` library supports an additional form of subtraction via `but-not/e`, following Yorgey and Foner’s ICFP’18 paper. Thanks to Max New.
  • The `letrec.rkt` example model in Redex has been changed to more closely match Racket, which led to some bug fixes in Racket’s implementation of `letrec` and `set!`.
  • The racklog library has seen a number of improvements, including fixes to logic variable binding, logic variables containing predicates being applicable, and the introduction of an `%andmap` higher-order predicate.

Version number 7.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website Racket
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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