Download PureText 3.0

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PureText is a small program that converts formatted text into so-called ‘plain’ text. Handy to get text from websites into a word processor, for example, without the accompanying formatting code causing problems. In fact, the operation of the program is equivalent to pasting the text in notepad and then selecting and copying it again. PureText is free and does not require installation to be used. Recently version 3.0 became available and this includes support for Windows 8 and there is now also a 64-bit version of the program.

What’s new in version 3.0

  • Fixed issue that prevented many Hot-Keys from working on Windows 8. You can once again use WINDOWS+V and many other Hot-Key combinations.
  • Fixed pasting issue with Firefox 17, Thunderbird 17, and other Mozilla products.
  • Added support for using the ALT key in Hot-Keys.
  • Adding a Windows 64-bit version of PureText for the first time.

What was new in version 2.0

  • Added Unicode support when running on Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista/7.
  • Added an option to play a sound when the Hot-Key is pressed.
  • Added option to have PureText start each time you log on to Windows.
  • Updated dialogs to use new XP look when running on XP and beyond.
  • Added command line options to allow PureText to convert the clipboard contents to pure text, optionally perform a paste and play a sound, and then immediately exit. Run “PureText.exe /?” for command line help.
  • Changed the default Hot-Key to WINDOWS+V.
  • Removed the ability to create Hot-Keys that include the ALT key, as the ALT key prevents the Paste feature from working.
  • Fixed some issues with the Hot-Key capture dialog.
  • Blocked all Hot-Keys that contain CTRL+V, as they cause problems with the Paste feature.
  • Fixed an issue that only allowed up to 30,000 characters to be converted.
  • Reworded key names in Options dialog.
  • Updated icon.

Version number 3.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8
Website Steve P. Miller
File size


License type Freeware
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