Download PowerToys 0.56.2

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Microsoft has released version 0.56.2 of PowerToys. The PowerToys are a collection of small programs for power users. There were PowerToys for Windows 95 and Windows XP and since mid-2019 Microsoft has also been developing a version for Windows 10 and higher. The PowerToys currently consist of wakeColor PickerFancyZonesFile Explorer Add-onsImage ResizerKeyboard ManagerPowerRenamePowerToys RunShortcut Guide and the Video Conference Mute† The changelog for this release shows the following changes and improvements:

Release v0.56.2

This is a patch release to fix issues in v0.56.1 to fix a few bugs we deemed important for stability based on incoming rates.

  • #16252: We now pass in /norestart flag to .NET runtime installer for our installer
  • #16155: FancyZones Template layout reset bug is fixed
  • #16699: Dev File Preview handler files in use bug is fixed
  • #16669: Added Find my mouse setting for shake distance to allow for adjustability
  • #16712: PowerToys Run’s Windows Terminal plugin didn’t have localization setup correctly and is now correct.

Version number 0.56.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Microsoft
License type GPL
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