Download PowerDVD 6 build 1417

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Cyberlink has released an update for PowerDVD, which raises the patch level to 1147. Not only can this program play audio and video DVDs, it can also handle video formats such as DivX Pro and WMV-HD. Installing this patch fixes the following issues:


  • Audio repeat issues after switching to 6 or more speakers.
  • Audio signals dropping or program hangs when selecting 8 speakers while using ProLogic IIx effect


  • Combining M2V files which resulted in difficulty in playing the file
  • Capturing frames continuously may result in some frames not being saved
  • Displaying multi-language subtitles in Win98 SE / ME
  • Closed captions not displayed when clone mode settings were applied


  • Subtitles overlap when displaying dual subtitles
  • A black line appearing while applying CLEV-2 with CLPV on DVD titles
  • Repeat track feature when playing DVD-Audio files
  • The Express menu displaying titles/chapters incorrectly when playing DVD-VR discs
  • Video displaying incorrect aspect ratio on WMV-HD titles

Version number 6 build 1417
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Cyber ​​link
file size


License type Shareware
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