Download PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.4.1

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PowerDNS is a dns server with a database as back-end, which makes it easy to manage a large number of dns entries. The developers previously decided to release the two parts that make up PowerDNS, a recursor and an authoritative name server, separately. This means that a new version can be released faster and more specifically, according to the developers. The authoritative name server will only respond to a dns lookup if it pertains to the domains for which this server is responsible. The developers released PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.4.1 a few days ago. The announcement of this release looks like this:

PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.4.1

Version 3.4.1. of the PowerDNS Authoritative Server is a major upgrade if you are coming from 2.9.x. Additionally, if you are coming from any 3.x version (including 3.3.1), there is a mandatory SQL schema upgrade. Please refer to Section 6, “From PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.3.1 to 3.4.0” and any relevant sections before it, before deploying this version. There are no 3.4.1 upgrade notes.

This is a bugfix update to 3.4.0 and any earlier version. A list of changes since 3.4.0 follows.

  • commit dcd6524, commit a8750a5, commit 7dc86bf, commit 2fda71f: PowerDNS now polls the security status of a release at startup and periodically. More detail on this feature, and how to turn it off, can be found in Section 2, “Security polling”.
  • commit 5fe6dc0: API: Replace HTTP Basic auth with static key in custom header (X-API-Key)
  • commit 4a95ab4: Use transaction for pdnssec increase-serial
  • commit 6e82a23: Don’t empty ordername during pdnssec increase-serial
  • commit 535f4e3: honor SOA-EDIT while considering “empty IXFR” fallback, fixes ticket 1835. This fixes slaving of signed zones to IXFR-aware slaves like NSD or BIND.

Version number 3.4.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, BSD, macOS, UNIX
Website PowerDNS
License type GPL
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