Download Postbox 7.0.8

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Version 7.0.8 of Postbox has been released. Postbox is an email client for Windows and macOS, which has its origins in Mozilla’s Thunderbird. It has extensive possibilities, such as a common inbox for different email accounts, quick reply, signatures and opening emails in tabs. In addition, it has an extensive contact manager and many search options. From version 7.0, the lifetime license has been converted to an annual subscription. Since version the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in Postbox version 7.0.8

  • The Compose window will now use the text zoom level that was last used
  • Implemented a work-around to address an authentication issue at Google
  • Implemented code that will fail more gracefully if Google accounts do not return the appropriate authentication response

Changes in Postbox version 7.0.7

  • We added 4 beautiful new themes – the new light themes are Lavender and Calypso, and the new dark themes are Charcoal and Gulf Blue – enjoy!
  • Improved the image scaling icons in the Compose window when using a dark mode theme
  • Fixed an issue with the Tab key skipping over fields in the Compose window
  • Fixed an issue with the “is” Topic criteria for Smart Folders

Changes in Postbox version 7.0.6

  • Gmail labels now match against label name instead of the label path
  • Pressing the tab key during addressing will now select the highlighted contact
  • Added Placeholders to Table and Bullet Clips to make selection easier
  • Fixed Conversation View when an Account Group is selected and conversations were set to display messages from the Inbox, Sent and Archive folders
  • Fixed a font color issue when copying and pasting text from dark mode themes
  • Fixed an issue with setting default Signatures and Clips in secondary Identities
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Home button from loading the start page

Version number 7.0.8
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Postbox Inc.
File sizes

45.40MB – 56.30MB

License type Shareware
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