Download Postbox 7.0.19

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Version 7.0.19 of Postbox has been released. Postbox is an email client for Windows and macOS, which has its origins in Mozilla’s Thunderbird. It has extensive options, such as a common inbox for different email accounts, quick reply, signatures and opening mails in tabs. In addition, it has an extensive contact manager and many search options. From version 7.0, in addition to the lifetime license, an annual subscription can also be purchased. Since version 7.0.19, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in Postbox 7.0.19

  • Enhanced Gmail Labeling so that entries in the Quick Bar do not remove previous labels
  • Enhanced the Quick Bar by removing [Gmail] and [Goolge Mail] labels before special folder names
  • Enhanced the Quick Search contextual menu to reduce panel flicker
  • Updated the Anti-Tracking database to prevent more services from tracking your behavior
  • Fixed an issue that prevented inline vCards from opening when View menu > Display Attachments Inline is disabled
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Folder Pane at minimal width from being resized
  • Fixed an issue with the Global Filter indicator not updating when a filter’s position was changed
  • Fixed an issue that caused messages to lose selection after applying a Gmail label

Changes in Postbox 7.0.18

  • Added an importer for Thunderbird (in BETA)
  • Changed the protocol handler from callto: to tel: to prevent Zoom from launching for phone numbers
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent vCard, Signature, and Clips preferences from sticking
  • Fixed an issue that caused non-Favorite Topic colors to lose their colors
  • Fixed an issue with contextual menus after a specific search path

Changes in Postbox 7.0.17

  • Contextual menus for Favorite Contacts in the Focus Pane can now filter multiple email addresses per contact
  • Addressed an issue with Updates on macOS

Version number 7.0.19
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Postbox Inc.
License type Shareware
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