Download Postbox 6.1.16

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Version 6.1.16 of Postbox has been released and an update with minor improvements has already been released. Postbox is an email client for Windows and macOS, which has its origins in Mozilla’s Thunderbird. It has extensive options, such as a common inbox for different email accounts, quick reply, signatures and opening mails in tabs. In addition, it has an extensive contact manager and many search options. Since version 6.1.13, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in Postbox 6.1.16

  • We’ve made Tab navigation across interface elements buttery smooth, try it!
  • Folder display in the Quick Bar has been improved by truncating the front of long folder names or deeply nested folder paths
  • Search strings are now highlighted in the Quick Bar and Addressing fields making them easier to see
  • Added the Reminder toolbar button to stand-alone message windows
  • Removed Smart Folders from the Run Now command in the filters panel
  • Added more services to our Anti-Tracking feature to highlight when tracking tools are used in messages
  • Restyled the Account Wizard
  • Fixed an issue that could cause images to disappear during message edit when multiple images were present
  • Fixed an issue that could cause addressing bubbles to duplicate when clicking outside of the bubble before completion
  • Fixed an issue that caused the sort order to be lost when folders are switched during Focus Pane searches
  • Fixed several issues related to the display of fonts, please see this tech note for details
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent filtering on a specific message when an Account Group is selected
  • Fixed an issue that could cause conversation threads to disappear from view when loading remote images
  • Fixed several issues related to how and when the Pending flag is set
  • Fixed an issue that could cause strange characters to appear when replying or editing drafts
  • Fixed an issue where drafts would not save when the Follow-up field is used

Changes in Postbox 6.1.15

  • Made a change to allow the Pin Reminders function to work for Sent, Trash and Archive folders (except for Gmail All Mail folders, which are too large and could introduce unwanted behavior)
  • Removed white top border that would display when using dark mode on Windows while in full screen mode
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the message list to not update when an Account Group is selected and folder tabs are open
  • Fixed a bug that could cause All Accounts + Focus Pane selections to stop working after clearing a search
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent Reminder indicators from immediately displaying when View menu > Organize by Thread is set to “off”
  • Fixed an issue that caused inline images to disappear during message edit
  • Fixed a regression that could cause strange characters to appear when resending or redirecting a message
  • Fixed non-threaded, vertical view message list display when sorting by reverse date order

Changes in Postbox 6.1.14

  • Added ellipses to the Quick Bar to accommodate long folder names or deeply nested folder paths
  • Improved the way Postbox automatically indexes messages for search
  • Added preference for the number of idle seconds to wait before indexing in Preferences | Options > Advanced > General
  • Added preference that will automatically download message bodies for folders marked for offline in Preferences | Options > Advanced > General
  • Implemented change that will always force a selection in the Focus Pane when it is opened
  • Improved the accuracy of S/MIME icons in the message header
  • Better and more complete fix for “fail” security issue
  • Fixed a bug caused signature defaults to not display properly in the Identity preference panel
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent subsequent Topic selections from working in the MacBook Pro Touch Bar
  • Fixed a bug that could cause content to be duplicated when jumping from Quick Reply to a full composition window
  • Fixed a regression that prevented Topics from being properly removed
  • Fixed a bug that prevented search results from displaying when an Account Group is selected
  • Fixed a bug that could cause new messages to not appear when Focus Pane attributes are selected
  • Fixed several theme/UI issues

Version number 6.1.16
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Postbox Inc.
File size


License type Shareware
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