Download Plone 2.5

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Plone is a powerful and user-friendly content management system developed in Python for the object-oriented application server Zope. The package has support for many different languages ​​and uses standards such as XHTML and CSS. The development team has released version 2.5 with the following announcement:

Release notes:

This is an infrastructure oriented release with a focus on getting Plone ready for the future. This means integrating Zope 3 technologies where sensible, and utilizing new technology from CMF as much as possible. The long term goal is to make the distinction between Plone as end-user product and Plone as infrastructure more clear. This release will be numbered 2.5 to conform to the new version numbering policy detailed in PLIP #114.


This release requires Zope 2.8.7 and Python 2.3.5+ or Zope 2.9.3+ and Python 2.4.2+. If you are using the tarball with Zope 2.9, you will need to remove ‘Five’ from your instance Products folder, or else you will get errors on startup. All other dependencies are included in the release tarball, these include CMF 1.6, AT 1.4, ATCT 1.1, and PAS 1.2, please see CMFPlone/INSTALL.txt for a complete listing.

Feature enhancements in this release

  • #102: PlonePAS Integration
    Deprecate GRUF (homegrown group system) to Pluggable Authentication Service (PAS) developed and used across a myraid of Zope projects. PAS provides the necessary infrastructure to leverage a variety of data sources in member data storage.
  • #105: Using Five/Zope 3 Views
    This proposal aims to describe some of the goals and guidelines for bootstrapping the move of Plone to using Five/Zope 3 Views.
  • #106: Using Five Views for Navigational Elements/Slots
    This proposal aims to define the interfaces (in the Zope 3 sense) that the navigation-related views should provide.
  • #108: Use Zope3 MessageIDs through FiveTranslationService
    Starting with version 1.1 Five provides access to Zope3’s TranslationService, but still falls back seamlessly to PlacelessTranslationService or Localizer. Using this FiveTranslationService allows us to use Zope3 MessageID’s without any adjustments to PTS. Language negotiation will still be handled through PTS.
  • #111: New portal_status_message infrastructure
    Don’t add portal status messages anymore to the query string, but use cookies instead.
  • #113: CMF1.6 / GenericSetup
    The CMF team is in support of releasing a CMF1.6 version, which would be nearly identical to CMF1.5 except that it would have the GenericSetup-based site creation code backported from the CMF trunk. This PLIP is proposing that the next release of Plone require CMF1.6, making use of GenericSetup for site creation.
  • #114: New version numbering policy for Plone the product
    As part of the standardization on one release every 6 months, the release numbering should be re-evaluated.
  • #115: Formalized User Interface deprecation process
    Provide a sensible way to deprecate the user interface elements that provides predictability for product authors and ease-of-use for the Plone developers.
  • #52: Placeful workflow support for Plone
    Our goal is to be able to say that in a given folder, a different workflow (or workflow chain) should be used for certain content types.

Version number 2.5
Website Plone Foundation
License type GPL
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