Download Plex Media Server

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Version of Media Server has been released. This version was previously available to holders of the paid PlexPass, but can now be downloaded by anyone. Plex Media Server is a media server for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and various NAS devices. The software can serve content to clients on the same machine, within the local network or over the Internet. Client software is available for the aforementioned operating systems, but content can also be viewed on iOS, Android, Google TV and Chromecast, for example. The program is free to use and also has PlexPass, a paid service that gives access to ‘premium features’ and earlier to new versions. Since version, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Plex Media Server (available to everyone)


  • (Library) Refresh movie metadata periodically during scheduled tasks (#13250)
  • (Metadata) Add Bulgarian language option for modern movie and TV agents (#13263)
  • (TLS) Server-side HTTPS connection support is now always enabled for signed-in users; plaintext connections will continue to be supported as well by default (#13257)


  • (HttpClient) The server may quit unexpectedly if internal HTTP requests are made with certain timings (#13231)
  • (Library) Requesting the list of items starting with special characters could give unexpected results (#13251)
  • (Metadata) Some users could end up with massive amounts of duplicate extras (#13241)
  • (Optimized Versions) New versions shouldn’t be encoded from existing optimized versions (#13254)
  • (Scanner) Some file paths were causing errors when scanning movie libraries (#13323)
  • (Subtitles) On-demand subtitles would not work on optimized versions (#13218)
  • (Transcode) The transcoder process could fail to complete when encoding E-AC-3
  • (Windows) The relay executable would not launch.

Plex Media Server (Plex Pass / Beta update)


  • (Auto Update) Old update files were not cleaned up after a manual update. (#12693)
  • (Collections) Items added from TIDAL could not be added to collections (#13289)
  • (EPG) Guide could show wrong VCN if lineup has duplicate channel ids. (#13207)
  • (EPG) Lineup channels returned during DVR setup were not sorted. (#13188)
  • (Media Decision) The server could attempt to transcode files that use unsupported nonstandard colorspaces, even when other supported versions are available (#13183)
  • (Metadata) In rare instances some tv seasons could match to the incorrect episode ordering (#13312)
  • (Metadata) Local metadata for episode release dates would not get set correctly (#13189)
  • (Metadata) The SDH flag for subtitles would be ignored for TV episodes (#13307)
  • (Metadata) The embedded titleSort tag would be ignored when preferring local metadata for video files (#13266)
  • (Scanner) Files with certain name formatting could be matched with incorrect episode numbers (#13280)
  • (Scanner) Pick up 4 digit episode numbers when no season number exists (#13212)
  • (Scanner) Try to use a year hint from a movie filename if the parent path doesn’t contain one (#13310)
  • (Search) Music collections were not being returned in search results (#13000)

Plex Media Server is now available to everyone.

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, BSD, macOS, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website plex
License type GPL
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