Download Plex Media Server / Beta

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Plex has released version of Plex Media Server. This version was previously available to holders of the paid PlexPass, but can now be downloaded by anyone. beta has also been released for PlexPass holders. Plex Media Server is a media server for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and various NAS devices. The software can serve content to clients on the same machine within the local network or over the Internet. Client software is available for the aforementioned operating systems, but content can also be viewed on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Google TV and Chromecast, for example.

The program includes its own software store where plug-ins can be exchanged. Via these plug-ins, content from various streaming services can be viewed, among other things. In addition, there is PlexPass, a paid service that gives early access to new versions, in addition to discounts on ‘Premium features’. The following changes and improvements were made:

Plex Media Server is now available to everyone


  • Analysis could fail to set media item attributes

Plex Media Server is now available to Plex Pass users in the Beta update channel


  • (DVR) Ability to give Home Users DVR access. (#8794)
  • (Playback) Assume unknown audio to be foreign if the preferred audio language is not english (#6126)
  • (Streaming Brain) Preference to allow automatically terminating playbacks which have been paused for an hour (#9700)
  • (Subtitles) Auto select forced subtitles when not listening to foreign audio (#6126)
  • When transcoding for supported clients, automatically select media based on supported resolution and dynamic range (#9490)


  • (Analysis) Chapters were not being imported for new media (#9843)
  • (Dashboard) Respect user preferences for local / remote bandwidth (#9562)
  • (Dashboard) Respect user preferences when showing streams as local / remote (#9562)
  • (Metadata) Asking to refresh metadata still used cache for movies and TV shows (#1566)
  • (Metadata) Related collections were not paginated (#9844)

Version number / beta
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website plex
License type Freeware/Paid
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