Download Plex Media Server

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Version of Plex Media Server has been released. This program is an open source media server for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and various NAS devices. It can serve content to clients on the same machine, within the local network or even over the internet. Client software is available for the aforementioned operating systems, but also for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Google TV and some TVs from LG and Samsung. The program includes its own App Store, where plug-ins can be exchanged. For example, these plug-ins allow instant viewing of content from Hulu, Netflix, and CNN Video. In the previous release, PlexPass introduced, a paid service that gives early access to new versions and discounts on yet to be introduced ‘Premium features’, and there is now also a web client. The release notes for this release can be found below.

Plex Media Server v0.9.7.7 – Fixes…

My, it’s been a busy two weeks in Plexville, since the Plex/Sync launch. We are super happy with how the launch went; after working on it for literally months, in secret, in a damp basement (with Internet access), it was honestly hard not to have a bit of anxiety when we finally released it. But people seem to love it, and – normal first-release bugs aside – it seems to be working really well. We released three more media server updates over the last two weeks to address the most pressing issues, and now we’re pushing a new release out to everyone with all the collected fixes and a few more.

A note for all you Android lovers, we’re closing in on releasing the first preview of PlexSync for Android. We know there are lots of you eager to sync your media to your droidy devices, and you’ll be able to do so in short order. short. Like the dwarf guy from Game of Thrones. Winter is…almost here.

Plex/Web also continues to progress at an amazing pace. In the past two weeks we pushed couple of updates which added all sort of cool stuff like alphanumeric paging, which makes it even easier to browse giant media libraries.

And we’re also added some social features; you can manage your list of friends, and share to Facebook and recommend videos to your friends right from Plex/Web.

The other big news is that Samsung finally (finally!) approved the update of the Plex for Samsung app, which supports 2012 models. There’s an emoticon for that and it’s something like this: \0/

The new media server release is out, and can be downloaded from the usual spot. Here’s a list of the fixes contained within:

  • (Non OS X) Automatically merge movies when appropriate.
  • Fix a crash if there are any unexpected files in the transcode directory.
  • Fix a crash when scanning photos with certain EXIF ​​data.
  • (OS X) Fixed an evil crash which occurred roughly once every day.
  • Don’t allow clients to cache segments, fixes IE10 video playback issue.
  • A few crashes that could be caused by proxies getting in the middle between server and myPlex.
  • (PlexSync) Added iPad 4 profile, fixed iPad 3 profile.
  • (PlexSync) Sync transcoder now works on 32-bit CPUs on Snow Leopard.
  • (PlexSync) Allow DirectPlay sync with subtitles (eg MP4/TTXT).
  • (PlexSync) Scrobble and library media addition/deletion kicks off sync worker. Fixes sync of recently added items.
  • (PlexSync) We skip over any invalid sync items instead of completely failing.
  • (PlexSync) Fix failed downloads of art/posters in some cases.
  • (PlexSync) Synced media subsections weren’t always in the right order.
  • (PlexSync) Video bitrate limit on ‘highest’ quality was removed.
  • (PlexSync) Fixed broken XML in some sync profiles
  • (PlexSync) Fixed an issue where the sync profile name was not constructed correctly.
  • (PlexSync) Work-around that the client sent the wrong model name
  • (PlexSync) Some sync profiles contained invalid transcoder options
  • (Linux) Pass along LANG variable, to assist agents who need to read filesystem.
  • (Linux) Crash signing out of myPlex or unpublishing server.
  • (Linux) Add the photo transcoder in for ARM architectures.
  • (Linux) Fixes for start-up scripts on Fedora and ReadyNAS
  • (Linux) Upgrade Sync Transcoder to support progress information.
  • (API) Fixes to /firstCharacter filters
  • (API) Allow filtering filters by resolution/unwatched, fixes filter issue.
  • (API) Don’t limit tag queries by metadata type if we have condition passed in.
  • (API) Fix when filtering on unwatched in /firstCharacter endpoint.
  • (API) Allow filter endpoints to use type in queries (eg album genres).

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Website plex, inc.
License type GPL
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