Download Piwik 3.0.3

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Version 3.0.3 of Piwik has been released. Piwik is an open source alternative to Google Analytics. It uses php and a MySQL database to do its job. The functionality can be easily extended with plugins, of which more than twenty are included. Of course you can also turn it off if certain functionality is not needed. For more information about Piwik, please refer to this page and an overview of the schedule is on this page to find. In version 3.0, among other things, the user interface has been cleaned up and now follows the Material Design. This should lead to Piwik responding better and faster, especially on mobile devices. The release notes for this release are as follows:

What’s new?

Piwik reporting dashboards will now uses less browser memory: several leaks were identified and fixed by a researcher. We’re using completely new Flag icons for all countries + cities + regions reports, and visible in the Visitor Log and Visitor Profile: the new flags are less glossy, flatter and easier to scan! Our email reports report graphs library has been changed for bringing better speed, and compatibility with the latest PHP 7.1. And we’ve created a new project for gathering all our icons in one place and make it easier for anyone to contribute.

Overall, we’ve fixed many small issues reported by our awesome community to make things a bit better everywhere, including more secure. And we’ve added new detections for brands, new device models, new referrer spammers and social networks. And Piwik has never been so fast!

63 tickets have been closed by more than 16 contributors.

Version number 3.0.3
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website piwik
File size


License type GPL
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