Download PhpStorm 2021.3.2

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JetBrains releases several development environments, such as IntelliJ Idea targeting Java, CLion targeting C and C++ and DataGrip targeting sql. PhpStorm focuses on PHP and provides on-the-fly error prevention, autocompletion, code refactoring and debugging, and also handles HTML, CSS, Coffee and JavaScript. For an overview of the possibilities, we refer to this page† To use PhpStorm, a license required. For business and home use you will have to pay for it, but if the software is used for education or non-commercial open source projects, the license is free. JetBrains has released version 2021.3.2 of PhpStorm and the main changes and improvements made to it can be found below:

PhpStorm 2021.3.2 has been released

We’ve just released a new minor update for PhpStorm 2021.3. You can update to this version from inside the IDE, using the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are an Ubuntu user. Also, you can download it from our website

Notable updates in this build:

  • Fixed: IDE freezes and hangs (2021.3.1) on indexing of WSL project [IDEA-286059]
  • Fixed: Can’t recognize usage of v-model with modelValue required prop in Vue 3 [WEB-50085]
  • Fixed: Tailwind 3: Completion for classes doesn’t work [WEB-53284]
  • Fixed: “Post to Bugtracker” action is grayed out for YouTrack [IDEA-266608]
  • Fixed: CMD+N shortcut doesn’t open generate dialog (MacOS) [IDEA-286810]
  • Fixed: Create New Test dialog not changing namespace after selecting directory [WI-64512]
  • Fixed: Completion doesn’t work for properties used as method arguments inserting them as constants [WI-63747]
  • Fixed: Xdebug: “Cannot get property” (since PHP 8.1) [WI-64532]
  • Fixed: Cannot determine tool version PHP CS Fixer 3.5.0 [WI-65005]

The full list of changes is available in the release notes

Version number 2021.3.2
Release status Final
Website JetBrains
License type Freeware/Paid
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