Download PhpStorm 2020.2.1

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JetBrains releases several development environments, such as IntelliJ Idea targeting Java, CLion targeting C and C++, DataGrip targeting SQL and PhpStorm targeting PHP. PhpStorm offers on-the-fly error prevention, autocompletion, code refactoring, and debugging, and can also handle HTML, CSS, Coffee, and JavaScript. For an overview of the possibilities, we refer to this page. To use PhpStorm is a license required. For business and home use you will have to pay for it, but if the software is used for education or non-commercial open source projects, the license is free. JetBrains released PhpStorm 2020.2.1 and the changelog for that release looks like this:

Notable changes

  • New inspection: missing parameter type (WI-49595 +3)
  • Fixed: Don’t consider variables as undefined based on DFA reachability (WI-54713 +8)
  • Fixed: Method argument is not highlighted when cursor is on a variable in the method body (WI-54558 +8)
  • Fixed: Trait collision false positive in case of usage of insteadof conflict resolution (PHP >= 7.3) (WI-54284 +5)
  • Fixed: Unused import false positive when using parent FQCN as child class namespace (WI-54254 +5)
  • Fixed: Missing return type declaration quick-fix adds the return type before ‘use’ in closures (WI-54474 +1)
  • Fixed: “Extract class” refactoring messes up return types of fluent methods (WI-54550)
  • Don’t suggest to change standalone void to standalone null when void is used in wrong context (WI-54478)

The full list of changes is available in the release notes.

Version number 2020.2.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
License type Shareware
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