Download PhpStorm 2019.2.4

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JetBrains releases several development environments, such as IntelliJ Idea aimed at Java, CLion aimed at C and C ++, DataGrip aimed at sql and PhpStorm aimed at php. PhpStorm offers on-the-fly error prevention, autocompletion, code refactoring and debugging, as well as HTML, CSS, Coffee and JavaScript. For an overview of the options, we refer to this page. There is one for using PhpStorm license required. You will have to pay for this for business and home use, but if the software is used for education or non-commercial open source projects, the license is free. JetBrains has released PhpStorm 2019.2.4 and the main changes that have been made to it are listed below for you.

PhpStorm 2019.2.4 build 192.7142.41 is out now!

This minor update for v2019.2 includes important bug fixes and updates.

Notable changes:

  • Implemented Non-destructive “safe write” mode (IDEA-152607 +60)
  • Fixed: PhpStorm freezes randomly since 2019.2.2 patch installed (WI-48825 +30)
  • Fixed: @method self doesn’t work anymore at EAP (WI-48657 +9)
  • Fixed: Git merge –no-commit still performs a commit if conflicts occur (IDEA-220499 +7)
  • Fixed: property inspection switches parent and child class (WI-48766 +5)
  • Excluding vendor / jetbrains / phpstorm-stubs folder (WI-47963 +1)

JBR 11 was updated to 11.0.4 + 10-b304.77:

  • Fixed opening projects on macOS Catalina (JBR-1721 +44)
  • Fixed font rendering in text fields on macOS Catalina (JBR-1863 +7)

Check out all changes in the release notes.

Version number 2019.2.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website JetBrains
License type Conditions (GNU / BSD / etc.)
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