Download phpPgAdmin 4.2.3

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It’s been a while since we wrote a Meukitem about phpPgAdmin, the PostgreSQL counterpart of phpMyAdmin. The developers released version 4.2.3 a few days ago, which justifies this Meukitem again. The program consists of a collection of PHP scripts that allow to maintain and manage a PostgreSQL database via a web interface. For example, it is possible to create, modify and delete databases and tables. The announcement and list of changes for this release are as follows:

phpPgAdmin 4.2.3 Released

The phpPgAdmin Team is happy to announce a new bugfix release for phpPgAdmin. Version 4.2.3 fixes several long standing bugs and fixes some PHP 5 compatability issues in the 4.2.x branch. All users of phpPgAdmin are encouraged to upgrade to this new version.

Deprecation Warning
Note, this may likely be the last version of phpPgAdmin released on the 4.2.x branch. We are currently planning to release phpPgAdmin 5.0 this summer, which will support PHP 5+ only, and Postgres 7.4+. Legacy users should continue to use 4.2.3.

The phpPgAdmin Team


  • Fix bug where space as first character in a bytea column was removed by html renderer
  • Check if the given pg_dumpall / pg_dump paths are correct before using them
  • Fix some transalation files that had bad UTF-8 declaration, rising a warning
  • Fix bug with tables that contain quote in their name
  • support PHP 5.3

Version number 4.2.3
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website phpPgAdmin
License type GPL
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