Download PHPEdit 1.2.1

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PHPEdit is an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE for short, which is specially designed for the PHP language. The package has a large number of useful features on board such as syntax highlighting, code hint, code insight, integrated PHP debugger, help generator, customizable shortcuts, more than 150 scriptable commands, keyboard templates, todo report generator and QuickMarks. The development team recently released version 1.2.1 with the following release notes:

Version 1.2.1
Due to several problems reported with previous version (stability and compatibility with NT4 and Win98) we have worked on this release which provide solutions to fix those problems.

Version 1.2
Next major version of PHPEdit is finally available for download. This version include lots of changes in its internal and adds new powerful features to the IDE like complete PHP5 support, real-time syntax checker, jump to declaration, SimpleTest integration, new document templates, phpDocumentor Wizard and lots of enhancements in existing tools like CodeHint , CodeInsight and CodeBrowser.[break]Before you can download the file, you must have an account on the developer’s website. This one is here without incurring any costs.

Version number 1.2.1
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Website PHPEdit
file size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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