Download phpBB 3.1.0 rc 3

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The third release candidate of phpBB version 3.1.0 has been released. With this program it is possible to create a web forum. PhpBB is made available under the gpl license and uses PHP and a database program to store messages. Besides MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite are also supported as database software. In addition to the complete installation, there are also various upgrade packages to download. Detailed information about the changes in version 3.1.0 is on the phpBB blog to find. The release notes for this release are as follows:

New Features

  • Events – New events have been added to increase the power of extensions
  • Language file fall back – info_acp_* files now fall back to the default board language and english, if they are missing from the user’s language
  • Extension can be un-enable-able – Extensions can now say, whether they can be enabled or not

Notable Changes

  • CLI for Extensions – Extensions can now be used inside the CLI
  • “Download all attachments” removed – The feature has been removed, as it could be abused to flood the server until the disc is full
  • Captchas moved to namespaces – The captcha system has been moved to namespaces and uses dependency injection now, so extensions can easily provide captchas

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Updating from phpBB 3.0 on Oracle – The database update from phpBB 3.0 to 3.1 on Oracle failed before

For a complete list of changes, please refer to this report.

Version number 3.1.0 rc 1
Release status beta
Operating systems script language
Website phpBB
File size


License type GPL
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