Download PHP 4.3.0 RC4

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Apache redirects us to the home page of the PHP program where we find Release Candidate 4 of version 4.3.0. Below are the release notes with the associated changelog:

[20-Dec-2002] Despite our best efforts, it was necessary to make one more release candidate, hence PHP 4.3.0RC4. This one mainly corrects the CGI vs CLI SAPI naming and fixes a couple of bugs. It is supposed to have a short testing cycle, after which the final version will be put out, hopefully before the end of the year.


  • Aliased dba_popen() to dba_open() until 4.3.1 when persistent STDIO streams are introduced. (Andrey)

[break] PHP 4.3.0 RC4 is available in the following two flavors:
Windows binary

Version number 4.3.0 RC4
Website PHP
file size


License type cardware
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