Download PeerGuardian 2.0 beta 6a

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A few days ago, Methlabs provided PeerGuarduian with an update to version 2.0 beta 6a. This program is intended to complement the firewall and tries to keep unwanted traffic out. This concerns, for example, spyware and adware, but also organizations that fight against piracy. All IP addresses of unwanted users are stored in a central database and then distributed among the various clients. The program thus works as a layer between, for example, a p2p program and the internet. In Windows 2000, XP and 2003 systems every protocol is checked at the kernel level, in Windows 98 and ME this is not possible and the program works at the tcp level. The following bug fixes have been made in this release:

Bug Fixes:

  • HTTP highlighting on UDP port 80
  • Memory leak in history window
  • Crash when closing history export progress
  • Exporting to a blank file is allowed
  • “To” field in history is off by a day
  • Loading/Saving configuration from/to non-english locations fails
  • History not working with Windows 9x


Version number 2.0 beta 6a
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website meth labs
file size


License type GPL
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