Download PeaZip 7.9.0

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Version 7.9.0 of PeaZip has been released. This archiving program is made available under an open source license, and downloads are available for Windows and Linux. The program aims to distinguish itself from the competition by specializing in safety. Encrypting data is therefore one of the main functions of the proprietary system pea format. PeaZip can create 7z, bz2, gz, paq/lpaq, pea, quad, tar, upx and zip files, and extract various file formats including ace, arj, cab, deb, iso, lha , rar and rpm. The following improvements have been made in this release:


  • pea 1.00
    • Added 512 bit hash functions to PeaUtils menu, also available from Windows context menu (CRC, hash entry): Blake2b, SHA512, SHA3_512, Whirlpool


  • Various fixes

File Manager

  • Improved theming: new customizable parameters – beyond standard scaling which follows system’s metric – can be set at runtime, and saved into themes, to improve usability for visually impaired users, small / far screens, or touch devices
    • spacing [small, medium, large] to increase spacing in file manager and row height in tables
    • Zooming [100% to 150%] to enlarge icons and graphic elements
  • (Windows) Quick delete function can now delete files requiring UAC elevation
  • Working directory is now set to by default to: user tmp for preview operations, output for other operations
    • “Extract everything for” preview for special file types now uses working directory (as standard preview mode)
    • “Interactive extraction” now uses working directory; disallowing temporary work files results in disabling interactive extraction, falling back to standard extraction mode

Extraction and archiving

  • (Linux) Improved interactive extraction, which is now set on by default in extraction screen
    • If no naming conflict is detected, the output data is now moved, if possible, rather than copied to the intended destination, which is extremely faster
  • (Windows XP, ReactOS) Fixed handling non supported additional 7Z codecs
  • (Windows) “TAR before” action now correctly asks for UAC elevation if needed
  • Improved support for ZPAQ format
    • Fixed test of ZPAQ format from context menu
    • ZPAQ format extraction, without checking “Absoulte paths”, removes extra nesting levels from the output
      • In case multiple revisions are featured, the nesting (which starts from the root of the archive) is preserved
    • Main window is now hidden during list, test, and ctrl+c/ctrl+v extraction operations, in order to reduce visual clutter accordingly with behavior during archive, and extract operations

Windows & Linux Installers

  • (Linux) Qt5 build available pre-packed as DEB and RPM, alongside portable version not requiring installation

Version number 7.9.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website PeaZip
License type GPL
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