Download PeaZip 7.4.0

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Version 7.4.0 of PeaZip has been released. This archiving program is made available under an open source license, and downloads are available for Windows and Linux. The program aims to distinguish itself from the competition by specializing in safety. Encrypting data is therefore one of the main functions of the proprietary system pea format. PeaZip can create 7z, bz2, gz, paq/lpaq, pea, quad, tar, upx and zip files, and extract various file formats including ace, arj, cab, deb, iso, lha , rar and rpm. The following improvements have been made in this release:


  • PEA 0.73
  • (Windows) Tino Reichardt (mcmilk) codecs for .7z format v1.4.5r2


  • Various fixes
  • Online resources pointing to new web space on GitHub

File Manager

  • Added shortcuts to set archiving/conversion and extraction options, from context menu and from Options > Archive manager screen
  • Added button to change case on the fly for checksum/hash (when encoded hex or lsbhex)
  • GUI refresh
    • Added main menu shortcuts to toggle most common browser’s layout options: side bar, tool bar, tab browser bar
    • Modified aspect of address bar and tab bars

Extraction and Archiving

  • 7Z
    • (Windows) Added support for Tino Reichardt (mcmilk) codecs for .7z format
    • 7Z archives can now be created using also Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5, and Zstandard compression algorithms in addition to traditional ones
    • 7Z archives created using those extra algorithms can be extracted by PeaZip or Reichardt’s 7-Zip fork, cannot be extracted by plain 7-Zip or p7zip without using Reichardt’s codecs
    • Compression presets 11 and 12 changed from and tar.zst to 7z format with Brotli and Zstd compression respectively
  • ARC
    • Added options to add recovery records and repair archive, from “Test” dropdown in tool bar and in “More” group in context menu
  • RAR
    • (Windows) Improved creation support using Rar.exe, if featured in the system, introduced as prototype in previous release
    • Other than in WinRar’s application path Rar.exe is now searched also in PeaZip’s directory, in case user wants to copy the exe here for portability: it is sufficient to copy Rar.exe from WinRar’s path to PeaZip or PeaZip Portable application’s path, or in said path into res folder, or in a subfolder named resrar or resunrar: any of those locations is supported
    • Add to separate archives and Archive to original path options enabled for RAR backend
    • New RAR-specific options supported
      • RAR archive header encryption is now possible
      • RAR archives can be locked
      • Can now set recovery records percentage
      • Can now set archive time to: current system time, original archive time, most recent item in archive
      • It is now possible to save RAR compression settings in custom compression settings profiles
      • RAR compression preset is now available, it is shown only if Rar.exe is detected
    • It is now possible to update, edit, rename, and delete files in existing RAR archives
    • Application title will now display if archive is RAR4 or RAR5, and if it is locked
    • Added options to lock archive, add comment, add recovery records, repair archive, from “Test” button dropdown in tool bar and in “More” group in context menu
  • ZIPX
    • .zipx archives are now write supported and can now be edited (add, delete, rename items in existing archives)
    • It is now possible to optionally to switch to .zipx extension if a method different than Deflate/Deflate64 is set for zip compression, accordingly to WinZip’s definition of zipx format
    • Please note that are currently supported, for reading and writing, following compression methods defined in zipx standard: Bzip2, LZMA, LZMA2, PPMd; currently WavPack, JPEG and MP3 preprocessors are unsupported (both for reading and writing) unless proper codecs are separately installed (cannot be added to PeaZip packages due closed source nature of those codecs)
  • Repair archive function, for RAR and ARC files, is available in PeaZip’s file manager also before opening the archive, in case the specific damage does not allow to successfully browse the archive

Version number 7.4.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website PeaZip
File size 9.38MB
License type GPL
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