Download PeaZip 5.2.2

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Version 5.2.2 of PeaZip has been released. This archiving program is made available under an open source license and downloads are available for Windows and Linux. The program aims to distinguish itself from the competition by specializing in safety. Encrypting data is therefore one of the main functions of the proprietary system pea format. PeaZip can create 7z, bz2, gz, paq/lpaq, pea, quad, tar, upx and zip files, and extract various file formats including ace, arj, cab, deb, iso, lha , rar and rpm. In version 5.0, among other things, the user interface has been adjusted so that the most important functions and information are more visible. The following improvements have also been made in this update:

File manager

  • Added preconfigured support for OneDrive path, when applicable
  • Improved help system and updated documentation
    • F1 points to translated tutorial (if available in selected language) featuring links to online resources and local help file
    • Alt+F1 points to local help file (English, .pdf format)
    • Shift+F1 points to online Support page, which features multilingual manuals, contacts etc
    • Ctrl+F1 points to online FAQ page, which features question & answer type guide to common topics
    • Existing language files were updated to include correct links to online resources and documentation
  • Open with associated application: changed behavior, now open using standard system’s file association, while doubleclick checks internal extended file association with uncommon formats with PeaZip before
  • Standalone simplified GUI linked from main menu, Tools:
    • PeaExtractor minimal GUI for extraction of single archives
    • PeaUtils minimal GUI (new) for interactive use of file management features (hash, secure delete, etc)
  • Various minor fixes and visual updates.

The following downloads are available:
PeaZip for Windows (32bit)
PeaZip for Windows (64 bit)
PeaZip portable
PeaZip for Linux
PeaZip add-ons

Version number 5.2.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8
Website PeaZip
License type GPL
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