Download Parted Magic 12.06.26

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A new version of Parted Magic has become available. This Linux distribution is specifically for partitioning hard drives. In addition to GParted and Parted, it includes a number of useful tools, including Partition Image, TestDisk, TrueCrypt, G4L, SuperGrubDisk, and ddrescue. The software is released under the gpl license and is available in different versions. For example, there is a live CD, a pxeversion and a version that can be used from a USB stick. Parted Magic can handle ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs. The release notes for this release are as follows:

Parted Magic 2012_06_26

Lots of little changes and some new programs added. The most noticeable additions are Samba and the proprietary binary video driver from NVidia. The NVidia driver doesn’t come pre-installed, but it is available as a ready to go module. Make sure you grab the drivers that match the kernel in the version of Parted Magic that you are currently running. You must also disable the Nouveau driver from the Fail Safe menu. The panel has been almost completely reworked. Clonezilla and our famous “Erase Disk” program have been added to the desktop. Arandr replaces Lxrandar.

The following programs have been updated: xrandr-1.3.5, bluez-4.91, fsarchiver-0.6.15, linux-3.4.3, e2fsprogs-1.42.4, sed-4.2.1, libdrm-2.4.35, xf86-video -nouveau-git_20120614_36d3f8c, freetype-2.4.10, ddrescue-1.16, pixman-0.26.0, xorg-server-1.12.2, firefox-13.0.1, gzip-1.5, psmisc-22.18, clamav-0.97.5, ethtool -3.4.1, xz-5.0.4, conky-1.9.0., xdg-user-dirs-0.13, xdg-utils-1.1.0_rc1, boost_1_49_0, cifs-utils-5.5.

Added programs: arpwatch-2.1a15, sallu-xclamscan-1.1.1, arandr-0.1.6, samba-3.5.14, pm-utils-1.4.1, libmcs-0.7.2, libmowgli-0.7.1.

The binary NVidia drivers are located here.

Version number 12.06.26
Release status Final
Website Parted Magic
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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