Download Paint.NET 5.0.9

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Version 5.0.9 of Paint.NET has been released. This drawing and image editing program bridges the gap between the Paint that comes with Windows and expensive but very extensive programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Photo Paint. The program can be downloaded from the maker’s website, but can also be downloaded from the website for a small fee Windows Store are obtained. Version 5.0 Includes many performance improvements, new features including pressure sensitivity for pens and drawing tablets, and a brand new effects plugin system with GPU rendering support. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Updated the bundled DDSFileTypePlus plugin to v1.12.2.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems
  • Updated the bundled WebPFileType plugin to v1.3.19.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems


  • When using Alt+Tab, the internal state of the Alt key could get ‘stuck’ when the Shapes or Line/Curve tool was active, causing the next shape or line/curve to be drawn from the center
  • Sliders were not responding to the mouse wheel (regression in 5.0.8)
  • the DeviceEffect.Properties.Min/MaxInputCount properties, which were throwing an ArgumentException (for plugin authors)
  • Fixed a rare crash at app exit due to a race condition in the auto-updater
  • Fixed a rare crash when the system resumes from sleep mode, due to a race condition in DWM reporting whether composition is enabled
  • Fixed a rare crash when using copy+paste due to .NET Runtime issue #84994

Version number Paint.NET 5.0.9
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Paint.NET
License type Freeware
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