Download Paint.NET 3.5 build 3509 alpha

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A new alpha version of Paint.NET version 3.5 was released on Tuesday. Paint.NET is a photo editing program that is developed in C# and therefore requires the .NET Framework. In terms of functionality, the program is somewhere between the Paint supplied as standard with Windows and professional commercial programs such as Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop. Version 3.5 runs on Windows XP or higher and requires at least version 3.5 SP1 of the .NET Framework. In this fourth alpha release, DirectWrite support for Windows 7 has been added, which has a positive effect on both quality and processing time. Also the problem with clipping in ‘swooshy’ text has been fixed. The complete release notes for this version can be found below:

what’s new:

  • Added DirectWrite support to the Text tool for Windows 7 users. This has the benefit of greatly improved text rendering quality and performance.
  • Added Strikethrough to the Text tool’s toolbar, next to the Bold/Italics/Underline options.
  • Finished up some leftover text rendering/clipping issues with the Text tool. In particular, there should no longer be any clipping issues with “swooshy” text (that is, fonts with lots of overhanging glyphs).

“Swooshy” text in Paint.NET.

Version number 3.5 build 3509 alpha
Release status Alpha
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website Paint.NET
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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