Download OpenTTD 12.0

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Version 12 of OpenTTD has been released. In this open source clone of the Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, the goal is to build a transport empire by road, rail, water, and air. OpenTTD can do more than just mimic the original game. For example, up to 64 times larger maps can be used than in the original, the AI ​​is worthy of its name and there is support for multiplayer and IPv6. Downloads are available for Windows, Linux and macOS, and the game is now also on Steam available† Version 12 has a new and easier way to play multiplayer games. The complete changelog for version 12 is here to find; this is the announcement for this release:

OpenTTD 12.0

The time is finally here: 12.0 is officially released! 12.0 is our multiplayer update, where we made playing together as easy as possible. No more port-forwarding or other stuff: start a server and ask your friend(s) to join. We take care of the rest. For more details, please read our blog: New Multiplayer Experience

Besides this major update, 12.0 also comes with some other nice features:

  • Display icon/text whether vehicle is lost.
  • Moving camera on title screen background.
  • Hide block signals in GUI by default (you can toggle this in the settings).
  • Raise the maximum NewGRF limit to 255.

To name just a few. And as always, we made sure to include tons (over 85!) of bug fixes in this release. A special thanks goes out to our translators: they translated the game in full for 29 (!) languages.

Version number 12.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website OpenTTD
File size


License type GPL
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