Download O&O Defrag 15.0.73

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O&O Software has released version 15 of the defragmenter O&O Defrag. With this program hard disks can be defragmented: repositioning the files on the hard disk, so that they are no longer scattered over the disk in separate pieces. The software can handle any drive configuration under Windows, including SSD drives, raid configurations and USB memory sticks. If there is more than one drive in the computer, they can be defragmented at the same time to save time. The most important improvements made in version 15 are listed below.

Shorter defragmentation times:
With O&O Defrag 15, several drives can be defragmented simultaneously. In addition, the algorithms have been substantially accelerated, reducing the time required for a defragmentation by up to 40%.

Evaluation and analysis functions:
At program startup, all drives are analyzed and the degree of fragmentation per drive is displayed. Similarly, the most heavily fragmented files are displayed as well as the physical location of file fragments on the hard disk. During the defragmentation process, a dynamic block view is displayed, and with help from a before-and-after view, the user can clearly see how much their system is being optimized.

Live Update:
O&O Defrag 15 automatically checks if newer versions are available and thus ensures that the defragmentation is always done using the latest technology.

Using detailed statistics, O&O Defrag 15 displays how many fragmented files were corrected and how many files were accelerated as a result. Users can therefore see what effect regular defragmentation has on their system performance, can track the success over weeks or months and better adjust the program settings to suit their individual needs.

Automatic Defragmentation:
Automatic Defragmentation is activated by default after installation and optimizes the disks in the background without slowing down system performance.

Manufacturer-independent optimization of Solid State Drives (SSDs):
O&O Defrag 15 makes it possible to optimize SSD drives regardless of their manufacturer, even under Windows XP and Vista. This speeds up greatly write accesses to the SSD drive, and also prevents premature wear and tear.

Defragmentation methods STEALTH, SPACE and COMPLETE:
STEALTH and SPACE are optimized for the fastest possible execution of the defragmentation, whereas the COMPLETE methods achieve a more complete defragmentation. This requires more time and memory. Further fragmentation is prevented by making the best use of available space. All the methods can be applied on any drive, including volume and stripe sets, and all methods offer of course maximum reliability.

Arranging drives into Speed ​​Zones:
A logical separation of data into performance-critical and non-critical files is conducted through an alternative setting which divides drives into so-called Zones. Files are sorted based on their use and access frequency and moved into appropriate zones. For example, system and program files that need to be accessed very quickly are separated from other data such as documents and downloads. Fragmentation is prevented intelligently through the separation of files written rarely or frequently. This logical arrangement not only shortens the duration of the system or program start, but also prevents fragmentation of program files from ever occurring.

Power management for Netbooks and Notebooks:
A defragmentation is interrupted once mobile systems, such as laptops or netbooks, are disconnected from an external power source. This maintains full battery power for mobile usage.

Version number 15.0.73
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64
Website R&D Software
File sizes

21.39MB – 23.40MB

License type Shareware
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