Download NuFW 2.0.16

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The NuFW program is an extensive firewall that can filter every connection on the rights of the user and the operating system used. It uses an ldap server to check permissions and Netfilter to apply the set filtering technique. For more information about NuFW, we refer you to this page. The developers have released version 2.0.16 with the following announcement:

Version 2.0.16:

NuFW 2.0.16 is available. It features some small code cleaning and adds a new option to ease authentication. The full changelog is as follows:

  • system: add option system_suppress_prefixed_domain to authenticate DOMAIN\toto as toto.
  • nuauth: some code cleaning

Version 2.0.15:

NuFW 2.0.15 is available. It fixes a problem with possible incomplete fetching of user groups list when using the system module. The newly added code is subject to a glibc 2.3.2 bug and an option has been introduced to permit a workaround.

Version number 2.0.16
Operating systems Linux
Website NuFW
File size


License type GPL
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