Download Notepad++ 2.7

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Version 2.7 of the open-source text editor Notepad++ can be downloaded from Source Forge. The program is written in C++ and has a number of useful functions such as text highlighting (for C, C++, Java, HTML, XML and PHP among others) and the ability to edit multiple documents at the same time or even one document in two different places. This release ships with the following changelog:

New features and corrected bugs (from v2.6):

  • A regular expression’s find/replace bug is fixed.
  • A folding status’ bug is fixed.
  • The bug of saving file while displaying as UTF-8 is fixed.
  • The horizontal scrollbar bug has been fixed.
  • The auto-completion for User Define Language is supported.
  • 2 Delimiter Groups are added in the User Language Define System.
  • 2 functionalities are added – to Upper case and to lower case.
  • “Go to matching brace” feature has been added.
  • Macro Recording and playing features are added.
  • A “Replace All” bug is fixed, as well the “Replace All” performance are optimized.
  • Add new menu item “Open All Recent File”.
  • File Auto-detection is configurable now.
  • A file name separation problem is fixed.
  • Checking of Recent file list at launch time is able to disable now.
  • The crash because of column mode selection is corrected.

Version number 2.7
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Source Forge
file size


License type GPL
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