Download Nimo Codec Pack 5 beta 8

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Anonymous: 43257 informed us that a new beta version of Nimo Codec Pack is out. As notes we find a request to help test:

What I would like you guys to test:

Do a full install of the pack
Choose from the menu to play 3.11 encoded movies with the 3.11 codec, play 4.12 encoded movies with the 4.12 codec and the 5.02 movies with the 5.02 codec.

Now the install is done…

Check out the movies:

Play a 4.12 encoded movie which has a mp3 audio stream or wav pcm stream or an ac3 stream, check the movie with Windows Media player 6.4, check is with DivX player, and as well with Playa…

Play a 5.02 encoded movie which has a mp3 audio stream or wav pcm stream or an ac3 stream , check the movie with Windows Media player 6.4, check is with DivX player, and as well with Playa…

For all those test, check the property of the movie, the video codec used and make with, the bitrate and the resolution.

After testing mail me at this mail with a precise description of your computer and software installer ( related to divx ) If you have any problem or issues with this build, tell me excatly what you installed and what codec is used by the movie, any comments will be welcome …

Version number Pack 5 beta 8
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Nimo Codec Pack Site
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