Download Nextcloud 20.0.14/21.0.6/22.2.1

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Updates to Nextcloud versions 20, 21 and 22 have been released and the first release candidate for version 23 has appeared. With this program it is possible to run cloud storage in-house. Nextcloud was created after a large number of developers left ownCloud and started over. All components, including the enterprise functionality, are offered as open source and the revenue model is similar to what Red Hat does, which is to provide paid support for large customers. The updates should fix various errors and security problems and upgrading is therefore recommended. The release notes for all releases can be found below.

Keep your data safe: update to 22.2.1, 21.0.6 and 20.0.14 as soon as possible! And 23RC1 is here, help test!

We just made another round of fixes available for our stable releases! Nextcloud 22.2.1, 21.0.6 and 20.0.14 are out, bringing the usual improvements for small problems users found over the last 6 weeks as well as security changes and hardenings. As we always say: stay safe, update!

Get tested!

Besides these minor updates for the stable versions, we also made available some test versions. The first release candidate for the upcoming major release Nextcloud 23 is ready for testing and the Desktop client team made 3.4RC1 available† Go test these releases and report back to us so we can make them rock stable!

Nextcloud 22.2.1, 21.0.6 and 20.0.14: what’s new?

There are a little over 70 changes for 22 and 21, and some 40 for 20. Note that, for 20, its lifecycle is quickly nearing its end and it is really time to start updating to 21 or 22! Most server admins have already done so and you don’t want to be caught running unmaintained software with the security risks that that entails! The improvements are all minor fixes and security hardenings. As always we strongly recommend you update to ensure you have a secure and reliable content collaboration platform that respects your digital sovereignty!

Don’t be like the hundreds of organizations that are hacked simply because they took too long to update their infrastructure, like home run recently discovered – being one month behind an Apache update cost them significantly in bitcoins and a potential investigation from privacy authorities.

You can find the full change log of fixes and improvements for 22.2.1, 21.0.6 and 20.0.14 on our website.

Note: running web facing software without regular updates is risky. Please stay up to date with Nextcloud releases of both the server and its apps, for the safety of your data! Customers can always count on our upgrade support if needed!

Version number 20.0.14/21.0.6 / 22.2.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Nextcloud
License type GPL

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