Download Nextcloud 15.0.0

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Version 15 of Nextcloud has been released. With this program it is possible to run cloud storage in-house. Nextcloud was created after a large number of developers left ownCloud and started over. All components, including the enterprise functionality, are offered as open source and the revenue model is similar to what Red Hat does, which is to provide paid support for major customers. Nextcloud also promises a so-called drop-in replacement, which makes it possible to easily switch from ownCloud to Nextcloud. Version 15 includes improvements in two-factor authentication, document conversion to PDF, and performance improvements. The complete release notes are available on this page are being found; this is the changelog in short.

Nextcloud 15 goes social, enforces 2FA and gives you a new generation real-time document editing
This release marks a big step forward for communication and collaboration with others in a secure way, introducing:

  • Nextcloud Social
  • new security abilities
  • deep Collaborator Online integration with:
    • a sidebar with video calls, chat
    • integrated version management
    • new design
    • mobile document editing

But we also introduce an updated design with new fonts, buttons and a brand new grid view in the files app, workflow features like PDF conversion and script execution over files, 2-3x faster performance and much more!

Version number 15.0.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Nextcloud
License type GPL
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