Download Nextcloud 14.0.14 / 15.0.11 / 16.0.4

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Updates have recently been released for versions 14, 15 and 16 of Nextcloud. With this program it is possible to run cloud storage in-house. Nextcloud was created after a large number of developers left ownCloud and started over. All components, including the enterprise functionality, are offered as open source and the revenue model is similar to what Red Hat does, which is to provide paid support for major customers. Nextcloud also promises a so-called drop-in replacement, which makes it possible to easily switch from ownCloud to Nextcloud. The release notes for this release can be found below.

Nextcloud 16.0.4: changes (latest version)

The roughly 40 changes for Nextcloud 16.0.4 are quite minor, with a series of interface enhancements and bug fixes for small issues, for example better handling of HTTP/1.1 only S3 servers, more complete logging to the audit log, less verbose default logging and small security- and performance-related updates.

You can find the full 16.0.4, 15.0.11 and 14.0.14 changelogs on our website.

Version number 14.0.14 / 15.0.11 / 16.0.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Nextcloud
License type GPL
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