Download NewsBin Pro 5.53 build 9507

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DJI Interprises released version 5.53 build 9507 of NewsBin Pro earlier this week. This program is intended to download files such as photos, movies and programs from Usenet. These files can be downloaded in separate packets from one or more news servers and are reassembled at the receiving end. Downloads are available for 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows and are between three and four megabytes in size. DJI Interprises includes the following release notes with this version:

New for version 5.53:

  • Supports header compression for Giganews. Allows you to bypass the Giganews Accelerator.
  • Performance optimizations for loading stored headers and processing single part posts.
  • Added progress bars to show progress of certain tasks (configurable).
  • Added logic to better handle possible conflicts with anti-virus software.
  • Full list of changes are in the release notes available for viewing upon installation.

The following downloads are available:
NewsBin Pro 5.53 build 9507 (32bit)
NewsBin Pro 5.53 build 9507 (64bit)

Version number 5.53 build 9507
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website Manufacturer
License type Shareware
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