Download NAPS2 7.4.0

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NAPS2 is an open source and cross-platform program that allows documents to be scanned. It stands for Not Another PDF Scanner, but that doesn't quite cover it all, because it can scan not only to PDF, but also to TIFF, JPG and PNG. Standard twain or wia drivers are used for scanning and ocr uses it Tesseract. Version 7.4.0 was recently released and below is the changelog for the past few versions.

Changes in 7.4.0:

  • Added Undo/Redo (from the right-click menu or Ctrl+Z)
    • Deletions can't be undone
  • Added Split/Combine (under the Image menu)
    • Split can be used for book scanning to separate pages
    • Combine can be used to include front/back sides of an ID card in one image
  • Added “Multiple Languages” as an option for OCR (in the OCR language dropdown)
  • Added a “Fix white balance and remove noise” OCR option
    • This can improve OCR with low-quality scans, but will make OCR slower
    • This is equivalent to using “Document Correction” before OCR
  • Upgraded Tesseract from 5.2.0 to 5.3.4 for OCR
  • Added a “Show native TWAIN progress” profile option (under Advanced)
  • Bug fixes

Changes in 7.3.1:

  • Improved loading time for “Keep images across sessions”
  • PDF encryption settings are now hidden until enabled
  • Fixed some SANE devices incorrectly appearing offline
  • Fixed some SANE devices not respecting page size
  • Fixed OCR issues with non-Latin alphabets
  • Bug fixes

Changes in 7.3.0:

  • Added a general “Settings” window with new options (some not available on Mac/Linux):
    • Show page numbers
    • Show Profiles toolbar
    • Scan menu changes default profile
    • Scan button default action
    • Save button default action
    • Clear images after saving
    • Keep images across sessions
    • Only allow a single NAPS2 instance
  • Added corresponding appsettings.xml options
  • Added “mode” attribute to some settings in appsettings.xml:
    • mode=”default” provides a default value for the user
    • mode=”lock” prevents the user from changing the value
  • Added new console options:
    • “–noprofile” to only use CLI options (not GUI profiles)
    • “–listdevices” to see available scanning devices
    • “–driver”, “–device”, “–source”, “–pagesize”, “–dpi”, “–bitdepth” scanning options
    • “–deskew”, “–rotate” post-processing options
    • See
  • Windows: Updated .exe installer style
  • Windows: Added back “Alt” hotkeys
  • Windows: Fixed an issue sending email with Outlook 2010-2016
  • Bug fixes

Version number 7.4.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website NAPS2
License type GPL
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