Download Mp3tag 2.85

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Florian Heidenreich has released version 2.85 of Mp3tag. With this program, the meta tags of the most common music formats can be modified. Support is provided for ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, mp4, wma, Vorbis comments and Ape tags. Furthermore, the file names can be modified on the basis of those tags and playlists can be generated. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Added support for Matroska MKA/MKV files for Explorer context menu shell extension. (#22955)
  • Extended list of default genres by ID3v1 genres 148 to 191. (#22984)
  • Added support for Matroska MKA/MKV files.


  • Updated internally used libraries.
  • Querying via Discogs Release ID now also works in [r1234567] format (as available on the Discogs website).


  • Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) was prevented from shutting down without user interaction in some cases.
  • Tag Panel column width was calculated wrong if Tag Panel was docked horizontally (since 2.84d). (#23056)
  • Deleting a file with subsongs did not remove the other subsongs of that file from the file list.
  • Removing MP4 chapters from a filtered file list left orphan subsongs of those files when disabling the filter.
  • Moving subsongs from a filtered file list left orphan subsongs of those files when disabling the filter.
  • Moving files from a filtered file list did not update file list correctly (since 2.84). (#23047)
  • Importing format descriptions to MEDIATYPE field via Discogs tag source did not work. (#23011)
  • GDI resource leak when populating the list of user-defined tools.
  • Relative paths from playlists were not canonicalized and sometimes unnecessarily exceeded the 260 character path limit.
  • Runtime error when using Mp3tag on computers with older CPUs (eg, Pentium III, Athlon XP, …) (since 2.84b).
  • Contents of BPM fields for MP4 were not read in some cases.


  • Updated Hungarian and Swedish language files.

Version number 2.85
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Mp3tag
File size


License type Freeware
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