Download Mozilla Sunbird 0.2

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The Mozilla Sunbird team has released its first official version, which is 0.2. Mozilla Sunbird is the standalone version of the included calendar software from Mozilla Application Suite, Mozilla Firefox, and Mozilla Thunderbird. For this reason, the features and bugs are almost identical to those of Mozilla Calendar. The software is based on iCal open standard and is available for Linux, MacOS X and Windows and the release notes for this version are as follows:

Known issues

  • Sunbird is currently not able to send out mail notifications when an alarm goes off.
  • Help -> Release Notes does not work.

[break]The following downloads are available:
Windows Installer
Windows zip file
Linux GTK2-XFT
Linux GTK1
MacOS X Disk Image[break] Click for a larger version

Version number 0.2
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS
Website Mozilla
License type GPL
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