Download Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.0 final

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Mozilla Foundation has released the final release of SeaMonkey version 2.0. SeaMonkey is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite and consists of a web browser and programs for e-mailing and reading news. In addition, there is a simple HTML editor. Unlike the Mozilla Application Suite, SeaMonkey is maintained by the community, while the Seamonkey Council oversees maintenance. The main changes in version 2.0 are that the web browser is now based on Firefox 3.5, the MailNews application can also display RSS and Atom feeds, and the password and download manager has been greatly improved. The release notes for version 2.0 look like this:

SeaMonkey 2.0 – The Modern Internet Suite is Here!

The SeaMonkey project at Mozilla is excited to release its completely refurbished next generation of the all-in one Internet suite today: SeaMonkey 2.0, now available for free download, melds the ideas behind Netscape Communicator with the modern platform of Firefox 3.5 to create one of the most compelling open source products for advanced Internet users.

The combination of an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, that has already established a wide user base in its previous incarnations, has been rebuilt on top of the modern Mozilla platform, featuring world-class add-on management among other things.

In addition, it has been improved with

  • feed support (including an RSS and Atom feed reader in the mail component),
  • a modern look,
  • restoration of browser tabs and windows after crashes or restarts,
  • tab mail,
  • automated updates,
  • smart history search from the location bar,
  • faster javascript,
  • HTML5 features (for example video and downloadable fonts),
  • and even support for the Lightning calendar add-on (which will issue a beta for installation on SeaMonkey 2.0 in the next few weeks).

the Release Notes feature more in-depth lists of the improvements and known issues with the new version as well as installation requirements and instructions.

Version number 2.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website Mozilla Foundation
File sizes 10.00MB – 21.50MB
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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