Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16

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Version 4.0 may have been released by now, but Mozilla will continue to update the ‘old’ 3.6 series for the time being. This is for people who can’t or don’t want to switch yet. Version 3.6.16 was released to prevent some https certificates marked as invalid from being used again, an update that we found earlier in the second release candidate of version 4.0. The full changelog looks like this:

What’s New in Firefox 3.6.16

  • Firefox 3.6.16 blacklists a few invalid HTTPS certificates.

You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.6.15 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.

The following downloads are available:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Windows (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Windows (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Windows (Frisian)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Linux (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Linux (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Linux (Frisian)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Mac OS X (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Mac OS X (English)
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 for Mac OS X (Frisian)

Version number 3.6.16
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website Mozilla Foundation
File sizes

8.82MB – 19.30MB

License type Freeware
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