Download Movix & eMovix 0.7.0

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The Movix program has undergone a number of changes. Firstly, the old Movix has been further developed into eMovix 0.7.0 and secondly, they have started to add much more functionality to Movix itself which under Movix 0.7.0 appeared. The release notes look like this:

Release notes of Movix 0.7.0
This MoviX release is _not_ the next version of MoviX 0.6.*. The previous MoviX package has been renamed eMoviX and its next release will be available soon. The new MoviX is what was asked since the beginning of the original MoviX: a console interface from which any kind of audio/video file can be played. Of course you can still fit audio/video files inside it but its main aim is to load the system and then let you able to play files from CD/DVD/VCD or from your HD partitions or even from the net!

the script has been almost completely re-written to include a console menu (the original MoviX package is now called eMoviX) and part of it has been moved in the new script [to make it similar to the MoviX2 model]† Perl has been upgraded to 5.8.0 and the Curses and Curses::UI have been added. The kernel has been upgraded to 2.4.20.

Release notes of eMovix 0.7.0
This is the new release of the package MoviX 0.6.0!
The package called MoviX 0.7.0 is basically a variant of eMoviX 0.7.0 with support for more formats and therefore is going to become big and so it is not suitable for being embedded in a CD.
Instead, eMoviX will keep being a micro distro intended only to be embedded in a CD to make the CD able to boot and play itself.

Linux kernel has been updated to 2.4.20 and lots of unnecessary files have been taken off. A new console has been added to make easier using nmixer to adjust the volume when mplayer fails.[break]

Version number 0.7.0
Website SourceForge
License type GPL
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