Download Monitorix 1.2.3

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Monitorix has been upgraded to version 1.2.3. The new version is from this page for Linux and is made available under the GPL license. Monitorix offers the possibility to monitor as many services as possible. For example, the program can register the load of the processor(s) and the memory usage, indicate the temperatures of the computer and show information about network activity. Furthermore, it is also possible to remotely monitor servers and keep track of kernel usage. The release notes of version 1.2.3 are posted below:


  • Fixed the way how Monitorix creates the iptables rules. Now it uses the parameter -I instead the -A in order to insert those rules in the top of each chain so the data get recorded. (thanks to Andrei Ioachim, andrei AT
  • Added support for the Postfix MTA in the SMTP counter of the Network Services Demand graph. (thanks to Andrei Ioachim, andrei AT
  • Fixed a typo in the declaration of $HTDOCS in the that only affected to Gentoo installations. (thanks to Carlos Perez, cpa.admin AT
  • Removed the dependence of the ‘lockfile’ command in the init script. (suggested by Carlos Perez, cpa.admin AT
  • Fixed to detect and show better the interrupt names.
  • Added a minimal support for interrupt numbers bigger than 255. This minimal support will let you see the names of those interrupts that have those big numbers but their activity will rest still void. (thanks to Brian Lopeman, brian.lopeman AT
  • Fixed a missing ‘’ in the URL of the graph images when ‘monitorix.cgi’ is called from the command line. (thanks to David Tiberio, dave AT

Version number 1.2.3
Release status Alpha
Operating systems Linux
File sizes

128.00kB – 147.00kB

License type GPL
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