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Blockchains and cryptocurrencies, in whatever form, have now become an integral part of the news. The founder of the technique and at the same time the best-known application is Bitcoin, and since it is open source, numerous so-called altcoins have appeared. In early 2014, Bytecoin appeared based on the CryptoNote protocol, which was completely different. Due to the mystery of Bytecoin’s background and the estimate that it was already more than eighty percent mined, a group of developers soon started using Bitmonero as a fork, which in turn was released at the end of April 2014. forked to Monero. The network consists of numerous nodes running the Monero client. An update has been released with version number with the following announcements:

Monero ‘Oxygen Orion’ Point Release

This is the v0.17.2.0 point release of the Monero software. This release contains bug fixes and daemon stability improvements. Some highlights of this point release are:

  • Only print blocked nodes once with –enable-dns-blocklist (#7295)
  • Fix Mac serialization compatibility issues (#7350)
  • Fix potential crash with Trezor (#7336)
  • Fix daemon crash with –db-sync-mode fastest (#7362)
  • Daemon stability improvements (#7309, #7390, #7459, #7615, #7621)
  • Bump OpenSSL dependency to 1.1.1k (#7637)
  • Minor bug fixes

The complete list of changes is available on GitHub, along with the source code

Monero GUI ‘Oxygen Orion’ released

This is the v0.17.2.0 point release of the Monero GUI software. Some highlights of this release are:

  • Allow sending to multiple recipients (#3332)
  • Add support for pruning of new databases in wizard (#3345)
  • Add support for malfunctioning multiple remote nodes (#3373)
  • New “Grab QR code from screen” functionality (#3292)
  • Improve search functionality on Transactions page (#3215)
  • Fix a memory leak on Linux (#3326)
  • Fix incorrect fiat price api usage with Kraken (#3298)
  • Enable dns block list in simple mode (#3314)
  • Restrict max window width / height, fix initial window alignment (#3302)
  • Updated translations from Weblate (#3342)
  • Update monero submodule to v0.17.2.0 (#3382)
  • Minor design improvements

The complete list of changes is available on GitHub, along with the source code.

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
Website monero
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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