Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 16.3.5

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Microsoft has released version 16.3.5 of Visual Studio 2019. This popular programming development environment has useful options to make programming easier in Visual C++, Visual Basic, C#, F#, Python and R, among others. The complete list of the changes in the 2019 edition can be found in the accompanying release notes. The release notes for this release can be found below:

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.5

  • Updating VS 2019 corrupts installation
  • Fixed an additional issue causing enterprise users building offline caches and offline users to fail an install.

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.4

  • Xamarin.iOS Designer update to support for Xcode 11.1
  • Publish doesn’t work in Visual Studio 16.3.1

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.3

  • InvalidOperationException Writing is not allowed after writer was completed
  • ICE on valid code after upgrading to 16.2.0
  • CPU Usage Tool context menu does not navigate
  • Wrong assembly when result of conversion operator is converted to reference to base class.
  • DockerUpdateComposeVsGeneratedFiles throws “Value cannot be null” (“Parameter name: path1”) after updating to Visual Studio 16.3
  • CPU Usage Tool context menu does not navigate.
  • InvalidOperationException Writing is not allowed after writer was completed.
  • Publish doesn’t work in Visual Studio 16.3.1.
  • This fixes an issue with the Snapshot Debugger where customers are using MSA accounts.
  • Fixed an issue where customers trying to install Microsoft.Visualstudio.Shell.15.0 NuGet package received a warning message of Framework not found.
  • Fixes MSVC compiler bug involving implicit conversion from a lambda to function pointer.
  • Fixed issue with Visual Studio crashing due to null reference exception.
  • A fix is ​​made to address a compiler internal error when the code has an out-of-line definition of a static data member of a nested class inside a partial specialization.

Version number 16.3.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website Microsoft
License type Freeware/Paid
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