Download Microsoft Edge 110.0.1587.41

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Microsoft has released version 110 of Edge. This Chromium-based browser is available for Windows 10 and higher, Linux, and macOS. There are also versions for Android and iOS. This release, which will be rolled out over several days, includes the addition of Drop, which allows files and notes to be sent to other browsers where the user is logged in. The full changelog for this release can be found below.

Feature updates

  • New Immersive Reader policies. Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge simplifies web page layouts, removes clutter, and helps you customize your reading experience. Using these new policies (ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled and ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled), administrators can control the availability of Grammar Tools and Picture Dictionary features within Immersive Reader.
  • Enabling sync for Azure Active Directory signed in customers. Microsoft Edge sync roams data across all signed in instances of Microsoft Edge. This data includes favorites, passwords, browsing history, open tabs, settings, apps, collections, and extensions. For Azure Active Directory users who have sync turned off, after the browser is launched they’ll see a notification prompt and have sync turned on for all signed in instances of Microsoft Edge. This sync enablement includes other devices where they’re signed in. Additionally, if a user’s other devices don’t have history and open tabs sync on, those two toggles will be turned on. Organizations using the SyncDisabled policy won’t be affected by this change.
  • Drop. Microsoft Edge now offers a simple way to send files and notes across all your signed in mobile and desktop devices. Using the desktop version of Microsoft Edge, Drop can be managed through the sidebar (edge://settings/sidebar). Administrators can control the availability of Drop using the EdgeEDropEnabled policy.

New policies

Obsolete policies

Version number 110.0.1587.41
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website Microsoft
License type Freeware
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