Download MediaPortal 2.1 Pre Release

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A test version of MediaPortal 2.1 has been released. With this program, a Windows machine can be used as the heart of the multimedia hardware in the living room. This makes it easy to listen to radio and music, as well as watch videos and DVDs. TV programs can also be recorded. By means of plug-ins and extensions, the functionality can be expanded and the look & feel of the program can be adjusted. The major changes made in this release can be found below.

Highlights of this release

  • New WMC skin
    Coming from WMC, because not able to use it anymore with Windows 10, but looking for the same lean usability? The new WMC skin will offer the full look and feel, that you are used to and offer a lot of additional opportunities making it even better.
  • New BlueVision skin themes
    The BlueVision skin has been revamped and new themes have been added: Windows10, Titanium Extended and Gray allow to adjust the look of MediaPortal to your personal preference.
  • Completely reworked media management
    All kind of media (movie, series, audio, videos, etc.) will now be automatically scraped. Respective online information (descriptions, covers, posters, fanart, artists, etc.) is downloaded and added to the central database. Users can define which online sources to use and what kind of data to download. Local fanarts and descriptions are also supported.
  • Enhanced movie and series management
    Movies can now be shown filtered by collections (aka movie sets)
    Now there is also an indicator for the watched percentage of movies and their collections as well as for series and seasons.
    Several new features have been added. You can now enjoy season FanArt and benefit from a broad variety of metadata to filter and sort on.
  • TV
    TV engine now supports broadcasts with HEVC/H.265 video eg DVB-T2 HD in Germany Better TV audio support (more AAC formats supported and other reliabilty improvements
  • Online Videos
    Added support for DRM-protected content like Amazon Prime
  • Resource drive S:\ removed
    Media resources are now mounted as folders instead of drives. No strange drive letters showing up in Explorer anymore.

Full list of changes

Version number 2.1 Pre-release
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website MediaPortal
File size


License type GPL
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