Download MDaemon 9.0.4
MDaemon is a mail server for the Windows platform with built-in antivirus and antispam capabilities. The different features that are present in this mail server are on this page verifiable and include, among other things, sharing contact lists, task lists or calendars and validating senders through DomainKeys or Sender ID. Alt-N Technologies has released version 9.0.4 with the following changes:
Version 9.0.4:
- fix to error creating new mailing lists from the MD GUI
- fix to incorrect AV/UP/trial expiration email text
- fix to “Account can modify the public address book” setting in the new account template may not be applied to new users
Version 9.0.3:
- fix to contacts containing non-ASCII characters are corrupted after installing MDeamon 9.0.2. Any corrupted address books will be automatically repaired.
- fix to WorldClient compose module showing an error on line 1255 in certain cases.
- fix to the Spam button in the external message viewer causing javascript errors.
- fix to WorldClient spell check page corrupting non-ASCII characters when adding words to the dictionary
Version 9.0.2:
- Optimized gateway LDAP verification in the following ways:
- (a) Provided new edit control for configuring a custom search filter
(b) Removed ObjectClass and Mail Attributes edit control (you can now build your own search filter with any mail attributes you like).
(c) Removed the logging option for ‘detailed’ LDAP verification (the results are now binary so no additional detail is available).LDAP verification now works by using the search filter you specify. If the result of a query contains at least 1 response then the lookup is considered verified; otherwise, not verified. The key to this method is getting the search filter correct. MDaemon will setup a default search filter string that should work in most cases. If you have specified mail attributes in the past MDaemon will create a default search filter string that incorporates all your mail attributes. You should not need to make any manual changes. This method is many times faster and more flexible than in previous versions. The LDAP verification tab on the Gateway GUI has been updated.
- Optimized performance for sites with large relay domain/IP listings.
- Trusted domains and IP addresses are now kept memory resident for optimizer performance. If you need to reload these settings manually you can create TRUST.SEM to do it.
- Cleaned up logging references when files are extracted from messages. The extraction will be noted within the Routing log section for the message now rather than as an independent event entries.
- The DKIM-Signature z= tag is no longer logged (it’s too long)
- A reply of “553 Mailbox syntax incorrect or mailbox not allowed” will be generated in response to malformed SMTP address parms.
- Added an option to Spam Filter Heuristics tab which will allow you to configure MDaemon to refuse messages during an SMTP session if there is a spam filter error. The refusal is a 451 temp error so that the sender can try later when perhaps the error is cleared up.
- Added more info to DirReorg.exe Help option(“/?”)
- Russian localization completed.
- Slight verbiage tweaking to F2|DNS tab.
- Speed up to the WorldClient theme LookOut’s folder list rendering if the folders are nested. A complimentary option has been added to the user preferences that will force all folders to be collapsed on login to help make sure that the load time is fast.
- Added an option to the WorldClient LookOut theme to enable “SkipInitialMailCheck” which will speed up the login further. This option requires the user to click on a folder to see if it has new messages but makes logging in much faster.
- Added “This is Spam” and “This is Not Spam” buttons to the LookOut and Standard themes. Clicking these buttons either moves [spam] or copies [non-spam] the selected message(s) to the proper Bayesian learning folder.
- Speed increase in the LookOut themes handling of deletion and moving of messages.
- fix to the LookOut themes AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer when the mouse is used to select the contact. Focus now remains in the text area
- The installer will add dbcachesize and cachesize lines to your LDaemon slapd.conf file. This should speed up LDAP processing.
- Changed default LDAP timeout from 5 to 20 seconds.
- The UPDATE command has been removed due to security considerations.
- fix to DK status in Authentication-Results header ambiguous sometimes
- fix to Attachment Linking not changing space to %20 in URLs
- fix to LDAP timeout value not applied to search but only to connection
- fix to summarized logs not working as designed; note that only successful sessions are logged
- fix to DNS client not honoring ROUND-ROBIN results from DNS servers
- fix to DNS client displaying MX results in reverse order in logs
- fix to ComAgent autoupdate
- fix to potential JavaScript error when viewing contact folder in Lookout
- fix to MDSPAMD.SEM not reloading all SpamD threads – the solution is a Kludge – MDSpamD will have to be restarted on changes until a more permanent solution can be found (this works though)
- fix to MDSpamD ping interval = 0 causing 100% CPU
- fix to odd errors at times registering config changes with MDSpamD
- fix to 10 second minimum MDSpamD ping interval not being enforced
- fix to typo in DomainKeys signing logging
- fix to subject of events and tasks created in Outlook may be displayed incorrectly when viewed in WorldClient
- fix to after editing an accounts real name a duplicate contact may exist when the public contacts folder is viewed from Outlook
- fix to recurring events which recur every month on the Nth day of the month do not appear in months with less than N days
- fix to messages not generating NDR under certain situations
- fix to session transcripts not always appended to NDR as they should be
- fix to SMTP out count counting deliveries that failed to end with 250
- fix to SMTP out not using retry queue on 4xx result after DATA command
- fix to events added by SyncML which have a reminder cannot be viewed in Microsoft Outlook when using the Outlook Connector
- [4344] fix to messages stuck in inbound queue when both CF and AV disabled
- [4336] fix to controls not disabling properly in Spam Filter GUI
- [4124] fix to incorrect GUI labels in Greylisting Advanced
- [4130] fix to mint speed references not in resources for localization
- [4139] fix to some GUI references not in resources for localization
- [4009] fix to problems with UPDATE command by removing the command
- [4012] fix to IM logging GUI option enabled in WorldClient GUI when WC/HTTP/IM logging disabled in logging options GUI
- [4001] fix to nondescript error msg in LDAP dll when MD_AddUser fails due to not enough MDAV seats
- [3456] fix to SMTP out not using retry queue when max errors exceeded
- [3508] fix to hashcash token double spend problem
- [4115] fix to moderated list posts placed in public folder without approval
- [4196] fix to POP quotas not honoring “can receive but can’t send” switch
- fix to list edits not always being recognized properly by threads
- fix to not able to run Sender-ID only (without SPF turned on)
- fix to PRA processing not always stripping header field names
- fix to needless MDSpamD restart on bayes update
- fix to GUI unable to delete WorldClient sessions
- [4235] fix to Spam Trap ACL settings being overwritten on each startup
- [4335] fix to right click menu in session wnd acting odd at times
- [4198] fix to only a single MSA/ODMR port in multiple binding configs
- [4362] fix to “WTF! My list file vanished.”
- [4372] fix to MX record processing not honoring multi-homed hosts (note: requires enabling of option to use A records returned during MX results)
- [4224] fix to list posts getting all list members added to addr book
- [4294] fix to large greylist cleanup operation freezing the GUI thread
- fix to MD not maintaining the case of list names as provided in the GUI (note: requires you to open the list in the list editor and click OK)
- fix to not encoding international characters in meeting subjects
- fix to WorldClient may not recognize iCal meeting requests
- fix to possible crash when using attachment extraction for accounts
- fix to LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED causing problems when using the LDAP test button
- fix to potential crash when processing certain malformed CTL files
- fix to MDaemon failing when MySQL server comes back online
- fix to MDaemon’s sql script to work with later versions of MySQL
Version number | 9.0.4 |
Operating systems | Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 |
Website | Alt-N Technologies |
Download | |
License type | Shareware |