Download Matomo 4.11.0

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Version 4.11.0 of Matomo was recently released. Matomo is an open source alternative to Google Analytics. It uses php and a MySQL database to do its job. The functionality can be easily extended with plugins, of which more than twenty are included. Of course you can also turn it off if certain functionality is not required. For more information about Matomo, we refer to this page. The release notes for this release are as follows:

What’s new?

This is another maintenance release improving the reliability and stability of Matomo, while also including a number of significant features and improvements. Exciting features we have added in Matomo 4.11.0 include new metrics and reports for tracking Goals, so you can easily see how each page contributed to goal conversion and revenue.

The ability to manage users in Matomo has been improved with our invite new users feature. Rather than adding a user manually, super users can now simply invite them by email.

To accept the invite, the user will need to enter the new password and accept the terms or privacy policy, described below (if there are terms or a privacy policy set up in general settings).

We are grateful for all community members who reported feedback and suggestions, our awesome team of translators for their work, and our Premium features customers and Matomo Cloud Hosting customers for their amazing support.

45 tickets have been closed by more than 16 contributors!

Version number 4.11.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Script language
Website Matomo
File size


License type GPL
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